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Keyboard shortcuts

Navigate cards

↓ / J↑ / K

Pressing the arrow keys will select adjacent cards on a board. Pressing “j” will select the card below the current card. Pressing “k” will select the card above the current card.

Navigate card backs

← / K→ / J

Pressing the left and right arrow keys will open adjacent cards in a list. Pressing “j” or the right arrow will open the card below the current card. Pressing “k” or the left arrow will open the card above the current card.

Copy card

Command/ControlC / V

When hovering over a card, pressing Control + C (Windows) or Command + C (Mac) will copy the card to your clipboard. Pasting by pressing Control + V (Windows) or Command + V (Mac) while hovering over a list will copy the card to the list. This will work between different boards.

Move card

Command/ControlX / V

When hovering over a card, pressing Control + X (Windows) or Command + X (Mac) will copy card to your clipboard. Pasting by pressing Control + V (Windows) or Command + V (Mac) while hovering over a list will move the card to the list. This will work between different boards.

Create new card with text


When on a board, create a new card with a copied link or text with “Control/Command + V”.

Attach link


When viewing a card, attach a copied link with “Control/Command + V”.

Toggle sidebar


Pressing “[” opens and closes the boards navigation sidebar menu.

Toggle board menu


Pressing “]” will collapse or expand the board menu, the sidebar on the right.

Open header boards menu


Pressing “b” lets you quickly search for boards. Navigate search results with the up and down arrows. Pressing enter with a board selected will open it.

Focus search box


Pressing “/” puts the cursor in the search box in the header.

Archive card


Pressing “c” will archive a card.

Due date


Pressing “d” will open the due date picker for a card.

Add checklist


Pressing “-” will add a checklist to a card.

Quick edit mode


If hovering over a card, pressing “e” will open quick edit mode, which lets you quickly edit the title and other card attributes.

Close menu / Cancel editing


Pressing “esc” will close an open dialog window or pop-over or cancel edits and comments you are composing.

Save text


Pressing Control + Enter (Windows) or Command + Enter (Mac) will save any text you are writing. This works when writing or editing comments, editing the card title, list title, description, and other things.

Open card


Pressing “enter” will open the currently selected card. Pressing “shift + enter” while submitting a card will open it immediately after creating it.

Open card filter menu


Use “f” to open the card filter menu. The search by title input is automatically focused.



Pressing “l” opens a pop-over of the available labels. Clicking a label will add or remove it from the card.

Pressing one of the following number keys, will apply or remove that label.

KeyLabel color

Toggle label names


Pressing the semicolon key “;” shows or hides the names of labels on a board. You can also click any label on a board to toggle this.

Add / remove members


Pressing “m” opens the add / remove members menu. Clicking a member’s avatar will assign or unassign that person.

Insert new card


Pressing “n” opens a pop-over that allows you to add a card after the currently selected card, or in an empty list.

Move card to adjacent list


Pressing “,” or “.” will move a card to the bottom of the adjacent left or right list. Pressing the left or right angle brackets (< and >) will move a card to the top of the adjacent left or right list.

My cards filter


Pressing the “q” key toggles the “cards assigned to me” filter.



Pressing “s” will allow you to watch or unwatch a card. Watching a card will notify you of actions related to the card.

Assign self


Pressing “space” will assign (or unassign) yourself to a card.

Edit title


If viewing a card, pressing “t” will edit the title. If hovering over a card, pressing “t” will open the card and edit the title.



Pressing “v” will add (or remove) your vote on a card if the Voting Power-Up is enabled.

Clear all filters


Use “x” to clear all active card filters.

Open shortcuts page


Pressing “?” will open the shortcuts page.

Autocomplete Members


When writing a comment, you can type “@” plus a member’s name, username, or initials and get a list of matching members. You can navigate that list with the up and down arrows. Pressing enter or tab with a member selected will mention that user in the comment. The mentioned user will get a notification once submitted.

Undo action


Pressing “Z” will undo your last action on a card.

Redo action


After undoing an action, pressing “Shift + Z” will redo the last action that was undone.

Repeat action


When viewing or hovering over a card, pressing “R” will repeat your last action from a different card.

Scroll sideways


Hold “Shift” while scrolling with your mouse to scroll left and right on a board.