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5 workflow automation tips to save 7,500+ hours a week

Learn how to automate tasks so that your teams can focus on matters most: producing their best work.

Executive Summary


According to a 2020 study by Automation Everywhere, the average office worker spends over three hours a day completing time-consuming, repetitive tasks—from sending stakeholders project updates to dealing with data entry.

These days, however, workflow automation software and robotic process automation (RPA) are automating these traditionally manual processes, saving your company valuable time and energy when implemented correctly.

In this free e-book, you'll learn how to use Trello Enterprise's workflow automation tools and templates to streamline your teams' workflow processes in real-time, including how to:

Use automation to boost collaboration between teams

Automate manual tasks so that you never miss a deadline or a project update

Find process improvement opportunities to reduce bottlenecks and the opportunity for human error

Experience the productivity tool that teams love, paired with the features needed for scale - explore Trello Enterprise today.